
Тайбэй языковой обмен‎

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  3. 🇹🇼 Тайбэй


Родной язык :  Английский
Hi I'm Jeff. I would like to improve my Chinese, and begin to learn Japanese. I enjoy meeting new people and leaning new cultures and chat about business and exercise. My hobbies are swimming and food. 我叫杰富 我建築設計師 我說英文,西班牙文,中文 我喜歡游泳,爬山,交通,旅行,美食
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
I am from Taiwan and looking for someone for an English exchange. I can provide Chinese practice. I am a product manager and interested in traveling and cooking; we could start from here to extend our conversation.
Родной язык :  Китайский (мандарин)
Изучаемый язык :  Немецкий
嗨!目前主要想找德文的語言交換夥伴,希望能夠加強口說和聽力,我們可以一起學習!:) Hello, I am a mandarin native, looking for a language partner to practice German (or French). At this moment I am more focusing on learning German. If you are interested and you do want to improve your Chinese (seriously), don’t hesitate to send me a message. :)
Родной язык :  Немецкий
Изучаемый язык :  Китайский (тайваньский)
大家好!我的中文名字是魯約翰 (Janis Rudolph). 我從9月在台灣台北生活,每天在中華中心學習中文。但是我的聽能力還不好,說中文的水平也很低。因此我對語言交換感興趣,也要提高我的中文能力。因為我現在在台灣還沒有朋友, 所以也要交朋友。我可以教一點兒德文。我們可以交換德國/台灣的語言和文化。 Hallo! Ich bin Janis, schön dich kennenzulernen! Ich lebe zurzeit in Taipeh, um dort Chinesisch zu lernen, aber das Hören und Sprechen fällt mir noch sehr schwer. Deswegen suche ich einen Tandempartner oder Freunde hier aus Taipeh. Falls du Interesse hast Deutsch zu lernen, schreib mir gerne, ich würde mich sehr freuen :) Liebe Grüße
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hi~ I’m Elosie. I’m native mandarin speaker.I recently want to find an exchange language partner to improve my English speaking. I can help you learn Chinese. I like to make friends and share daily lives. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Родной язык :  Японский, Корейский
Hi! I am looking for a friend that I can practice Chinese with! I am currently learning Chinese and can speak basic Chinese. I can teach Korean or Japanese in return;) Thanks!
Изучаемый язык :  Французский, Английский
I like to learn a new language. I like art. I like painting. I like hiking. I like reading…
こんにちは、梁と申します。 日本の文化が興味がありますので、日本語を勉強しています。 今まで日本語を一年半に勉強しています(大体N3)。 でもコミュニケーションはなかなか上手にならない… 日本語を話す機会は少ないからです。 もし、あなたは中国語を習いたい、コミュニケーションしたい、言語交換しましょう! zoom、ms teams 、line、Google meet、skype どれでも大丈夫です! ありがとうございます😊 Hi I’m Francis. I’m live in Taiwan. I’m study English for a while of time. I really want to improve my English conversation. If you wanna learn Chinese and also find someone to practice Chinese conversation, let's become the language exchange partner!
Родной язык :  Китайский (мандарин)
Изучаемый язык :  Японский, Английский
Hey, My name is Josh, I was born and raised in Taipei, love playing tennis, traveling, exploreing new thing, learning languages. Can speak basic Japanese and English, looking for a nice talk with new people, and love to help you to improve your Mandarin skills.
Изучаемый язык :  Французский, Английский
I'm a 30-year-old Taiwanese currently living in Taipei. I'm a PhD student specialising in contemporary French philosophy. But except for Philosophy, I'm not an expert, I'm just looking to get to know each other and chat. I'm interested in philosophy, psychology, American politics, European culture and history. My favorite american series are Homeland, House of Cards, and the Crown. I'm also a big tennis fan, my favourite player is Rafa Nadal. My native language is Chinese (Mandarin). I can also help with Chinese. To put it more simply, I mainly want to make friends and improve our language skills at the same time :)
こんにちは、梁と申します。 日本の文化が興味がありますので、日本語を勉強しています。 今まで日本語を一年半に勉強しています(大体N3)。 でもコミュニケーションはなかなか上手にならない… 日本語を話す機会は少ないからです。 もし、あなたは中国語を習いたい、コミュニケーションしたい、言語交換しましょう! zoom、ms teams 、line、Google meet、skype どれでも大丈夫です! ありがとうございます😊 Hi I’m Francis. I’m live in Taiwan. I’m study English for a while of time. I really want to improve my English conversation. If you wanna learn Chinese and also find someone to practice Chinese conversation, let's become the language exchange partner!
Родной язык :  Китайский (мандарин)
Изучаемый язык :  Японский, Английский
Hey, My name is Josh, I was born and raised in Taipei, love playing tennis, traveling, exploreing new thing, learning languages. Can speak basic Japanese and English, looking for a nice talk with new people, and love to help you to improve your Mandarin skills.
Изучаемый язык :  Французский, Английский
I'm a 30-year-old Taiwanese currently living in Taipei. I'm a PhD student specialising in contemporary French philosophy. But except for Philosophy, I'm not an expert, I'm just looking to get to know each other and chat. I'm interested in philosophy, psychology, American politics, European culture and history. My favorite american series are Homeland, House of Cards, and the Crown. I'm also a big tennis fan, my favourite player is Rafa Nadal. My native language is Chinese (Mandarin). I can also help with Chinese. To put it more simply, I mainly want to make friends and improve our language skills at the same time :)
Родной язык :  Китайский (мандарин)
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
I am Jason from Taipei, where I'm living currently. I love practicing English and have been doing language exchange for a few years. Hope to look for native speakers of English soon (whatever American or British accent). We can have an enjoyable chat in person or other chatting platforms, like LINE or Google meet if we live in different cities each. looking forward to hearing from you all soon!
Hello!! Emily here! I come from Taiwan, 江尉綺 is my Chinese name. I'm a native Chinese speaker. I speak fluent Chinese and English, a little German and Italian, a little Taiwanese(台語 much more than German and Italian)! I love learning languages and making new friends! My interests are cooking, singing, different cultures, history, reading and much more! I'm a musician and love music and arts so much. It would be so nice to find language exchange partners here, help me to learn Dutch and improove my English! I hope to viisit the Netherlands someday. And yes, I'd be very happy to help you with your Chinese too. Please write me back if you're interested!
Изучаемый язык :  Китайский (тайваньский)
Hey everyone! I'm Leon from Germany. I lived in the US and in Spain for a while and speak both languages fluently. Now I'm in Taipei and want to learn Chinese. I like to travel and explore new locations and cultures. Also, I'm interested in doing sport, art and philosophy.
Изучаемый язык :  Немецкий, Шведский
Hej, My mother tongue is Mandarin from Taiwan. Understanding daily Swedish and being able to talk a bit is my goal. I am at a beginner level of Swedish. It's more fun to have a language tandem! Would love to help you with learning Chinese! I speak a bit German as well. Would love to practice German if you are interested in learning Chinese.
Hello friends, my name is Yuting. I'm looking for someone who native language is English, Korean or Spanish. We can exchange languages and I can help your Chinese if you needed.
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hi, I'm Vern from Taiwan. I'm looking for a partner who is native or pretty fluent in English and wants to practice/learn Chinese. If you can speak Chinese, we can set the topics we're interested in and have conversation practice in both languages one by one, or ask each other about the problem we met in daily life. If not, I can still teach you the most common words or sentences in Chinese, or some basic knowledge about Chinese, even the culture. Please feel free to contact me if you are looking for a language exchange partner too :D
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hello, I'm Vivian from Taiwan. Love traveling in Europe as a backpacker, have been there by myself more than 30 times. Though having such experiences doesn't mean my English is fluent. I study English on my own by watching movies and series, like FRIENDS. I have taken part in a program in teaching Chinese years ago, and I have a lot of time now which makes me a good language exchange partner. Please don't hesitate to contact.